Monday, January 28, 2013

A Room of One’s Own/New Blog Design!

Virginia Woolf wrote, “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”  As for the first part, money is definitely necessary regarding publishing a book, though in our modern, technology-driven world, it is much easier to write by, say, starting up a blog or posting to online forums. 

However, having a “room of one’s own” is still an important aspect to the writing process, whether one is choosing to use paper or a Word document.  The environment in which one writes is critical to a consistent and successful writing career, and I believe that that environment can refer to either a physical room or even to a person’s blog.

With that in mind, I’d like to present the new layout and design of my blog!  As you might have noticed, it has been freshened up a bit from what it used to be.  I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my good friend Gina, creator of Tulle and Combat Boots, for helping me in this endeavor and creating a beautiful new look for my blog.  She is a very talented graphic designer, and you should definitely visit her site. 

With this new design, I feel like I truly do have a space to call my own, a space where I can be proud to post my thoughts and ramblings on writing and everything else.    It also represents a step forward in my journey towards becoming a professional writer. 

And speaking of writing professionally, I’d like to also announce that my paper on Batman’s female villains will be featured in The Journal of Popular Culture, and as soon as that issue is published, I will post a link to it on my blog. 

Looks like the new year is starting off right! J

Happy writing,


1 comment:

  1. A published paper! That's brilliant, fantastic, and a string of other positive, enthusiastic adjectives! You deserve it, and I'm so happy for you.

    Also: The new blog design is snazzy.
